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Using Kiosk at the Front Desk

Look up unsigned Mini Apps and collect guest signatures.

What Is Kiosk?

While delivering digital Mini Apps over text messages prior to check-in will drastically increase the open and completion rate, some guests may still arrive at the property empty-handed with their Mini App incomplete.‍


Akia provides a tablet Kiosk solution that allows staff to quickly and easily push Mini Apps to an accessible tablet where guests can sign and complete the Mini Apps. Instead of printing the Mini App for guests to sign or asking them to pull out their phones, staff can offer the front desk tablet.

Akia Tip: You can access the guest’s unsigned Mini Apps 1 day before arrival, during their stay, and on their departure date.

How Do I Set Up a Kiosk?

Enabling a Tablet

With your existing Android or iOS tablet, you can turn the device into a self-serve Kiosk at the front desk.

We recommend enabling Guided Access (iOS) or Pin and disable screen timeout (Android) so the Kiosk is always available for guest use
  1. In Akia Settings, go to Kiosk under Platforms, and create a new device for the tablet you’ll be using.
    1. Click on
      Click on Add Device to create and register new devices
  1. Name your Kiosk and upload a photo or video to run on the device when an Mini App is not pulled up.
    1. Akia Tip: Videos will automatically loop on your Kiosk and there is no size limit. We recommend uploading a video in the same orientation as your Kiosk to ensure no formatting issues when the video plays.
      Type in the device name and upload your background media in order to save.
      Type in the device name and upload your background media in order to save.
  1. Install the Akia app (Android, iOS) on the tablet device you will be using.
    1. ⚠️
      The Akia app is not available on the Amazon App Store (Kindle) and cannot be configured to a Kiosk for those devices.
  1. Open the Mobile App on your tablet, and log into Akia using an admin account.
  1. Go to the Mobile App Settings
  1. Click Convert to Kiosk and select the name of the Device you created in Steps 1 & 2
    1. Notion image
      If you want to restrict access to only the Akia app on your tablet, you can enable Guided Access on iOS or pin the screen on Android.
  1. Your Kiosk is now ready!
    1. Notion image
  1. You can search for a guest’s Mini App by typing in their phone number, email, or reservation ID into the Kiosk. For security purposes, entering a guest’s name will not pull up their Mini App.
      • You can select the specific Mini App if the guest has multiple.
        • Notion image

Push Mini App to Kiosk

  1. Under the guest’s profile, you will see a list of Mini Apps that have been generated for the guest.
  1. Click on the tablet icon next to the Mini App you want to send, and then choose the Kiosk device.

The Mini App is automatically removed from the Kiosk after the guest signs it, but you can also remove the Mini App from the Kiosk by clicking on the three dot icon and selecting Remove from Kiosk

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If the guest has already signed the Mini App you will not be able to push it to the Kiosk or search for the guest’s phone number for registration. If you need the guest to sign the Mini App via the Kiosk, click the + Create button shown in the screenshot above and click on the tablet icon to push it to the tablet.

Exit Kiosk Mode

Press and hold the Kiosk name in the bottom right hand corner to log out (will take a few seconds of holding).

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Common Issues

My guests cannot pull up their Mini App in the Kiosk
  • Make sure the guest is searching for their phone number with the country code included (e.g. +11234567890), or with the email that was used upon booking, or the reservation ID we received from your PMS.
  • Guests can only be found in the Kiosk if they are arriving today, or currently on property, and have an unsubmitted Mini App. If no Mini App has been generated for them OR they have already signed their Mini App, they will not show up in the search.
How can I manually send a Mini App to the Kiosk

Hover over the Mini Apps widget and click on the three dots next to the Mini App name. Select Send to Kiosk and the Kiosk device you want to send it to.

Hover over the “Home” section and click on the three dot icon
Hover over the “Home” section and click on the three dot icon
Select “Send to Kiosk” and choose the device you want to send it to
Select “Send to Kiosk” and choose the device you want to send it to

Use Cases

  1. 🧓 Non-Tech Savvy Guests: If you see yourself getting a lot of non-tech savvy guests, the Kiosk feature allows you to help guests navigate the registration card without having to bring out the pen and paper.
  1. Walk-In Reservations: For guests who walked in, handing them the tablet device may be easier than waiting for their text message to be received.

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