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Learn how to connect Akia to Apaleo

Steps for Integration

An active Akia account is required in order to integrate with Apaleo.

  1. Log in to and visit Akia’s Integration page
  1. Find the Apaleo app under Property Management category
    1. Notion image
  1. Click Install and you'll receive a prompt to authorize Akia for access.
  1. Once authorized, you'll see a confirmation screen and receive a notification.
  1. Once installed, you'll see Apaleo in your list of installed apps. You can visit the Settings page to map your Apaleo properties to Akia properties.
    1. Notion image
  1. Akia will start syncing with your reservations in Apaleo. With in a brief moment after authorization, reservations will be imported into Akia. You can review current and future bookings populate in Akia's Records tab by leveraging different filters on the left hand side.
    1. Notion image
  1. Akia will continue to sync with Apaleo, so as reservations are created, modified, or canceled.

How Do I Disconnect Akia?

You can disconnect the Akia app in Apaleo from the My Store Apps page.


Integration Breakdown

  • 2-way integration - Akia can send information back to Apaleo
  • Webhooks and API - Akia receives bookings right when they happen and continuously syncs reservation details with Apaleo 7 days before the guest arrives
  • Note: Akia pulls reservation details from the Primary Guest, not the booker

What Can I Do Now That I Have Apaleo?

  • Send back guest information to Apaleo via Event Triggers
    • Email, phone number, date of birth, notes, passport information, etc.
    • For example, once an agreement is signed, send back the fields to Apaleo
  • Automatically assign units to guests and check them in at a specified time
    • This would be an action under Automations
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