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Salto KS

Smart lock access control


How to Set Up Salto KS to Work With Akia

  1. In Salto KS, create a new access group for every guest room, and name the access group that shows up as the room name in the PMS.
      • We will match the Room Number in Akia with the Access Group Name in Salto KS
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  1. Add to each of those access groups the locks that the guests staying in that room should be able to unlock.
    1. Notion image
  1. Set the timeframe to Check-in & Check-out and use the default times provided.
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  1. Once the Access Group has been created, go ahead and delete the timeframe - Akia will create a new timeframe for each guest.
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How to Connect Akia to Salto KS

  1. Log into Akia
  1. Click on your profile picture and click on the Integrations tab
  1. Install the Salto KS app -
      • If you're not logged into Salto KS already, it will prompt you to log in
  1. Install the Salto KS - Middleware app -
      • You should be logged in to Akia already so you just need to authorize access
  1. Click on Settings on the Salto KS - Middleware page after you have installed it to configure your site, access hours, and message to the guest
      • If you decide to edit the verbiage of the message, make sure you include customer.salto_ks_key_code__a so the guest receives their 6-digit Salto KS pin code
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How to Automatically Issue Salto KS Code to Guests

Video Guide

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  1. Install Salto KS
  1. Go to Automation and click + Scheduled Action and select which action you want the code to issue on (e.g. at a scheduled time or when the room is marked as ready)
  1. Declare any conditions for the code to generate and then select “Salto KS Issue Code” for the action
  1. Hit OK and Start to have the code automatically generate starting the next day

How to Manually Issue Door Codes

  1. Once the configuration by Akia has been completed, you will see a new component under the guest's profile that will allow you to issue a new code to the guest.
    1. Notion image
  1. By clicking on Issue New Code, Akia will automatically generate a new access code to the guest's assigned room during the length of their stay.
  1. Once a code has been issued, the guest will receive a text message notifying them of the access code.
    1. Notion image
  1. If there is a need to remove the guest access to the room, you can simply click the Revoke button for the guest.

Common Issues

  • No reservation shows/can be selected in the Salto KS widget
    • Please ensure you have authorized the Salto KS connection here: link.
  • Error: “Unable to issue pin code. Site not found.”
    • Please ensure you have selected the correct site in the Salto KS - Middleware app settings.
  • Error: “Unable to issue pin code. Reservation not found.”
    • Please ensure you have selected a reservation for issuing the code.
  • Error: “Unable to issue pin code. Requirements not met.” OR “Unable to issue pin code. Missing required information.”
    • Please ensure you have authorized the Salto connection here: link.
    • Please ensure you have selected a reservation with a valid room number, arrival date, and departure date.
    • Please ensure the room number that shows up in Akia matches the access group name in Salto KS - check for any extra spaces, capitalization, formatting, etc.
    • Please ensure the phone number or email to which the code is delivered is valid.
  • Error: “Unable to issue pin code. PIN code generation failed.”
    • Please confirm that the access group and its associated user, lock, and time schedule have been created in your Salto KS account, and try again.
  • The code isn’t sending via WhatsApp
    • You will need to create a WhatsApp template with the exact same verbiage as your Salto KS message for it to send to international numbers.
    • Note, if you end the Salto KS message with a token, “customer.salto_ks_key_code__a”, you will need to have some text afterward (”Thank you” or “Let us know if you have any questions”) in both messages in order for the WhatsApp template to be approved.
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