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Learn how to connect Akia to WebRezPro

Enabling Integration with WebRezPro

  1. Reach out to your Account Executive at WebRezPro to request the integration.
      • If you do not know who your Account Executive is, please reach out to
  1. WebRezPro will reach out to Akia’s integration team to enable the integration and send a reservation flush.
  1. Our Akia representative will let you know when the integration has been set up and reservations are coming into your Akia account

Things to Be Mindful Of

If you use Akia’s device management/digital key integrations (e.g. RemoteLock or Flexipass), you will need to limit the number of rooms a guest can book under a single reservation. This is because WebRezPro cannot send multiple rooms to Akia under the same reservation, and the separate rooms are needed for issuing key codes to guests.


To limit the number of rooms a guest can book online client's can:

  • Open the setup menu in the left hand navigation and select property settings
  • From the options menu select edit booking engine settings
  • Scroll down to the online booking requirements section, then set the max rooms per reservation to 1 room
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click submit to save the changes

If a property would like to limit reservation clerks from creating a multi-room reservation, this can be done through the security profiles

  • Open the admin menu in the left hand navigation and select security profiles
  • Click on the E next to the security profile you want to edit
  • Scroll down to the reservation access and uncheck the option Allow employee to create a multi-room reservation
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click submit to save the changes
  • Repeat this for all applicable security profiles (i.e. reservation clerks, management, etc.)

Integration Breakdown

  • 2-way integration - Akia receives information from WebRezPro and can send back guest information to WebRezPro like email, phone number, and notes on the guest profile
  • Webhooks - Akia receives bookings right when they happen and WebRezPro sends us updates when the reservation is updated

What Can I Do Now That I Have WebRezPro?

  • Send the guest their WebRezPro key code with the message token customer.webrezpro_key_code__c
  • Send back charges from Akia orders to the guest’s folio in WebRezPro - these could be upsell orders or in-stay items the guest purchased
  • Add the WebRezPro credit card component to your Mini App to securely send back the guest’s credit card information to WebRezpro
    • Notion image
  • If you want to use the WebRezPro agreement directly, you can use the message token customer.webrezpro_agreement_url__c in your automated messages to link to the external agreement
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