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Advanced: Custom Fields

Activate the Custom Fields retrieved from your PMS in Akia, or create your own Custom Fields

What Are Custom Fields?

There are two types of custom fields Akia supports, custom fields from your PMS and custom fields created directly in Akia.


PMS Custom Fields (available depending on PMS)

  • Created in your PMS and Akia automatically syncs the data for you to reference in your automated messaging or Mini Apps
  • Your PMS is the source of truth, you would not edit the field data in Akia but rather in your PMS
  • Common fields: Arrival Instructions, Key Code, Parking Instructions, Wifi Instructions

Akia Custom Fields (available depending on Akia package)

  • Only created and stored in Akia
  • Make edits to the fields in Akia depending on what type they are, any edits will not be sent back to your PMS
  • Common fields: Parking Requested, Special Notes, Allergies
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How Can I Create Custom Fields?

PMS Custom Fields

For PMS custom fields, please create the field in your PMS. If you have any questions, please reach out to your PMS support team since they will be better suited to advise and assist you on their platform.


After you have created the custom field in your PMS, you will see the field populate in Akia under the Custom Fields tab (this might take a few hours to show up after being created) in the New Custom Fields Detected section.

  1. Click on the custom field you just created (e.g. Door Code) and the editor will appear
  1. Optionally rename the custom field, otherwise Akia will use the name we received from your PMS
  1. Specify the Object for the custom field
      • Identity: Select this if the custom field is created on the guest level - the field is attached to the guest regardless of their unit or reservation.
        • Common fields: Anniversary, Birthdate, Regular, Pet Owner
      • Location: Select this if the custom field is on the unit level - the field changes based on the unit the guest is staying in.
        • Common fields: Parking Instructions, Arrival Instructions, Heater Location, Hot Tub Information, Lockbox Code
      • Reservation: Select this if you created the field on the reservation level - the field changes for each reservation.
        • Common fields: Digital Key Code, Long-Term Stay, Returning Guest, Early Check-in
  1. Specify the Type of data stored on this field, we recommend looking at the information you put in the PMS as well as the example data to understand which type the field should be
      • Checkbox: True/False value
      • Number: Numerical values only
      • Text: A short sentence, the data we get should be less than 200 characters
      • Paragraph: Longer text option, select this if the example data is more than 200 characters
      • Date: Only dates supported (full date of day, month, year)
      • Time: Only time supported (hour, minute, second is optional)
      • Datetime: Date and time supported
      • Select: Specify the list of options in Akia (we recommend using Text/Paragraph instead)
      • Multi-Select: Specify the list of options in Akia (we recommend using Text/Paragraph instead)
      • Image: Not fully supported for PMS custom field, we would recommend using the Paragraph option instead
      • Currency: If the value is monetary (e.g. $140.00, 14000, or 140)
  1. Hit Ok to save and you’ll see the custom field under the Active Custom Fields section
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Akia Custom Fields

  1. Navigate to the Custom Fields section of Settings
  1. Click + Add Custom Field
  1. Provide a name for your custom field
  1. Specify the Object for the custom field
      • Identity: Select this if the custom field is created on the guest level - the field is attached to the guest regardless of their unit or reservation.
        • Common fields: Anniversary, Birthdate, Regular, Pet Owner
      • Location: Select this if the custom field is on the unit level - the field changes based on the unit the guest is staying in.
        • Common fields: Parking Instructions, Arrival Instructions, Heater Location, Hot Tub Information, Lockbox Code
      • Reservation: Select this if you created the field on the reservation level - the field changes for each reservation.
        • Common fields: Digital Key Code, Long-Term Stay, Returning Guest, Early Check-in
  1. Specify the Type of data stored on this field, we recommend looking at the information you put in the PMS as well as the example data to understand which type the field should be
      • Checkbox: True/False value
      • Number: Numerical values only
      • Text: A short sentence, the data we get should be less than 200 characters
      • Paragraph: Longer text option, select this if the example data is more than 200 characters
      • Date: Only dates supported (full date of day, month, year)
      • Time: Only time supported (hour, minute, second is optional)
      • Datetime: Date and time supported
      • Select: Specify the list of options in Akia (we recommend using Text/Paragraph instead)
      • Multi-Select: Specify the list of options in Akia (we recommend using Text/Paragraph instead)
      • Image: Not fully supported for PMS custom field, we would recommend using the Paragraph option instead
      • Currency: If the value is monetary (e.g. $140.00, 14000, or 140)
  1. Hit Ok to save and you’ll see the custom field under the Active Custom Fields section
  1. You will then need to edit your custom field in the appropriate location
      • Identity: Edit on the guest profile from the Inbox
      • Location: Edit in the Rooms page in Settings
      • Reservation: Edit in the reservation widget from the Inbox
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How Can I Edit Custom Fields?

PMS Custom Fields

If you need to modify any of the custom field information, please go into your PMS to update accordingly. Akia will then sync the updates accordingly, you do not need to create a new custom field in your PMS (or Akia) to sync these new updates.


Akia Custom Fields

The custom fields would be edited on the object they have been created for.

Identity (Guest)

Go to the guest profile in the Inbox to view and modify the custom fields you have created. Click on the pencil icon next to their name to edit these fields.

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Go to the Rooms page in Akia (only available to Admins/Super Admins) and click on one of your Rooms. In the side panel, you can update the custom field.

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Go into the guest profile in the Inbox and hover over the reservation in the side widget and click on the pencil icon to edit any of the custom fields.

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How Can I Store Guest Data in a Custom Field?

In your Mini App, you can specify the input values to store to a regular, standard field, or one that you created in the Store to Field section. Leverage input components in the Mini App editor to collect more data from your guests to make their stay even more personalized.


Want to know when the guest’s flight arrives? Create a custom field for that in Akia and put it in your Mini App to start collecting that data. Improve the experience even more and upsell the guest on an airport pickup if you see they have specified a flight arrival time!

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Use Cases

  1. 🏠 Unit-specific Guidebooks: With PMS custom fields, you can keep your PMS the source of truth and update unit specific information within the PMS for Akia to automatically sync into the guidebook mini app
      • Parking, arrival, trash instructions can flow from your PMS into the Akia mini app with only a few clicks
  1. 🎥 Record of Guest Information: Store the guest’s information in your Mini App and then into their guest profile (identity level) so the next time they stay, you don’t need to ask for that information again
      • For any new bookings, ask them for their allergies or pillow preferences, and then if they choose to book again, your display rule will hide those fields so they don’t have to fill in the same information
      • Record the guest’s anniversary date if you learn they are coming for a honeymoon, and send them a discount later on to remember that special time

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