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Customer Languages

Automatically translate guest messages and translate your own messages to guests’ language

What Is the Translation Feature for Guests?

Akia will automatically detect the guest's preferred language when the guest messages the property, and it will automatically translate them into the hotel’s/staff's preferred language. In the guest’s chat thread, you’re able to translate your outgoing messages into the guest’s preferred language.

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Akia Tip: Translations for outgoing messages need to be enabled manually so your team can double-check if the language detection is correct before proceeding to communicate with the guest in their preferred language.

How Do I Set Up Translations for Incoming Messages?

  1. Go to Settings > Customer Languages
  1. Select Allow translation of languages to and specify which language incoming messages should automatically be translated to
      • If this is unchecked, Akia will not automatically translate incoming messages and you will not have the option to set the guest’s language under their profile.
  1. Optionally, you’re able to set the language of the guest based on their phone number’s country code.
  1. The page saves automatically, so now all incoming guest messages will be translated into the specified language.
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How Do I Set Up Translations for Outgoing Messages?

Translations for outgoing messages need to be enabled on a per-guest basis to reduce the chance of the wrong language being detected and mistranslations.

  1. Go to the guest profile in Inbox or by searching their name in the top right search bar
  1. If translations have been enabled in the above steps, a widget will appear under the guest name prompting you to enable translations
    1. The guest’s detected language will show up and clicking Enable will begin translating your outgoing messages.
      The guest’s detected language will show up and clicking Enable will begin translating your outgoing messages.
  1. Once you click Enable, your outgoing messages will be automatically translated to the guest’s detected language. This also shows in the guest profile like so:
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Akia Tip: Clicking Disable will stop all messages (incoming and outgoing) from being translated. If you want to re-enable incoming translations, click the Edit button shown above and re-enable translation at the bottom of the page.

How Do I Set Up Translations for Users/Staff?

  1. Go to Staff and Departments in Settings
  1. Select and click on a staff
  1. Select the desired language for the staff
  1. Click OK to save
Assign preferred language for a staff
Assign preferred language for a staff

Use Cases

  1. 🗺 Communicate with international guests: Enabling translation for incoming and outgoing guest messages allows your team to better assist international guests with their questions and experience during their stay.
  1. 🌐 Automatically set a guest’s language: By setting a language based on the guest’s country code, there will be less errors than with the auto-detection and your team can better support them.

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