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Scheduled Messaging Issues

Akia didn’t send your scheduled message or you’re having trouble configuring a new one.

My Scheduled Message Didn’t Send to Guests Today

Akia Tip: To reduce the chance of carrier filtering, we stagger scheduled messages throughout the first half hour after the specified send time, so a message sent for 9 am will begin sending to guests between 9 - 9:30 am.

No guests received their messages

  1. Was this scheduled message created today, or did the send-at time change within 1 hour of the original send-at time?
      • Newly created scheduled messages or ones that had the send-at time changed will begin sending the following day. For the latter scenario, our system queues up messages to send to guests 1 hour before the scheduled time; so if you change the send-at time within that window after the system has already tried queuing up the message, it will assume the message has already been queued up and will not try and resend for the remainder of the day.
      • Solution: Manually send your guests the message by following the steps here, and tomorrow’s messages should go out as expected.
      If it’s 8:35 am and I change the
      If it’s 8:35 am and I change the Send At time to 9:15, the scheduled message will not send at 9:15 for guests today and will begin sending at 9:15 tomorrow.
  1. Check if the scheduled message is paused (greyed out).
      • If the message has been paused (or was paused within 1 hour of the original send-at time), the message will not send to guests.
      • Solution: Unpause the message by clicking on the bubble (pictured below) and in the right sidebar that appears, click Start at the bottom; and manually send your guests the message today by following the steps here.
      By default, scheduled messages are paused until you hit the
      By default, scheduled messages are paused until you hit the Start button in the sidebar to prevent un-finalized messages from being sent to guests.
  1. Check that your message verbiage isn’t the same as a previous message sent to the guest
      • Our system dedupes messages from going out to guests to ensure carriers don’t flag your Akia number as spam, so your second message will not be sent to the guest.
      • E.g. Both your one-day-before-arrival message and day-of-arrival message are:
        • Hello customer.first_name, we look forward to your stay at! Before you arrive, please submit this registration card: mini_app.registration_card
      • Solution: Double-check that you’re changing your message verbiage between automations so our system understands they are intended to be different messages. Perhaps your day-of-arrival message could be something like:
        • Hello customer.first_name, we look forward to your stay at! As a reminder, before you arrive, please submit this registration card: mini_app.registration_card
  1. (If applicable) Check your message variants’ conditions to see if all of your guests fall under your conditions.
      • If you have multiple conditions but specify ALL (instead of ANY) each guest must meet every condition in order for the message to be sent.
      • If you have specified your operator as equals, make sure that the text is exactly how it shows in a guest’s reservation widget, or else the system will not be able to match. We suggest using the operator contains to ensure that extra words/letters will not prevent the message from being sent.
      • If a guest doesn’t apply to any of your message variants then they will not receive a message. We always encourage customers to have their final message variant be applicable to all guests (no conditions selected), to ensure all guests receive a scheduled message. Learn more about variants here.
      • Solution: Double-check your variant conditions and create a fallback variant if needed. Manually send your scheduled message to your guests by following the steps here. Note that the message will automatically apply the appropriate message variant for the guest.
Only a guest with their booking source set as both “Inquiry - Airbnb 1” and “Inquiry - Airbnb 2” will be able to receive the scheduled message due to the
Only a guest with their booking source set as both “Inquiry - Airbnb 1” and “Inquiry - Airbnb 2” will be able to receive the scheduled message due to the ALL condition at the top.

Some guests received their messages

  1. Refresh the page to see if the message is queued up for the guest or has already been sent.
      • Sometimes the page doesn’t automatically refresh (or might take some time), so refreshing while on the message thread will let you know if the message was slightly delayed or if there’s a larger issue.
      Notion image
  1. Check if automation has been disabled for the guest in their guest profile.
      • If automation has been disabled, the guest will not receive any AI responses or scheduled messages. Click Re-Enable in the guest profile to resume automation.
        • You can also click on the three dots to the right of the
          You can also click on the three dots to the right of the Edit button to Re-Enable/Disable automation.
  1. Check if the guest has replied STOP
      • STOP is a carrier-wide flag that will automatically filter your messages from being sent to this guest. If the guest has sent STOP, none of your messages will be able to be received by them.
  1. Check if the message was undelivered (indicated by the ⚠️ symbol)
      • Sometimes there are service reception issues or guests put their landline rather than a mobile number, which causes SMS messages to not be delivered.
      • Solution: Try sending them the message manually after a few minutes; and if the message still fails to be delivered, change the platform to email and send the message that way.
      • Additional Solution: Checkmark Notify staff when guest failed to receive message from all selected platforms in your scheduled message editor to better catch these message failures so your team can manually get in contact with these guests.
        • Notion image
  1. (If applicable) Check your message variants’ conditions to see if all of your guests fall under your conditions.
      • If you have multiple conditions but specify ALL (instead of ANY) each guest must meet every condition in order for the message to be sent.
      • If you have specified your operator as equals, make sure that the text is exactly how it shows in a guest’s reservation widget, or else the system will not be able to match. We suggest using the operator contains to ensure that extra words/letters will not prevent the message from being sent.
      • If a guest doesn’t apply to any of your message variants then they will not receive a message. We always encourage customers to have their final message variant be applicable to all guests (no conditions selected), to ensure all guests receive a scheduled message. Learn more about variants here.
      • Solution: Double-check your variant conditions and create a fallback variant if needed. Manually send your scheduled message to your guests by following the steps here. Note that the message will automatically apply the appropriate message variant for the guest.
      In this example, a guest will
      In this example, a guest will only receive the message if they have their Booking Source in Akia set to both “Inquiry - Airbnb 1” and “Inquiry - Airbnb 2.”
  1. The guest was eligible for the scheduled message after the “Send At” time (regardless if “Execute Action Immediately…” is selected).
      • Execute action immediately if the customer imported after the scheduled time only works if Akia receives the guest’s reservation after the Send At time, and they meet all the conditions for the message to send. If their reservation was already present in Akia before the specified Send At time, they will need to meet all of the conditions for the message to be sent.
      • Example: Your check-in message sends at 3 pm every day to guests who have signed your “Agreement 123,” but Guest A didn’t receive it. Please go to their guest profile and check when they signed “Agreement 123.”
        • If Guest A signed their Agreement after 3 pm, then the scheduled message will not send to them since they weren’t eligible at 3 pm. (If they signed their Agreement before 3 pm and fulfilled all of the conditions but still didn’t receive the message, please reach out to us in the Support Chat or at
      You can specify the message to send if a specific Agreement is Signed vs Unsigned.
      You can specify the message to send if a specific Agreement is Signed vs Unsigned.
      • Long-Term Solutions:
        • If Variants Are Available: Have a backup Agreement sent if the original Agreement is unsigned, with the completion message including the guest’s check-in information.
          • Specify a variant for if “Agreement 123” is Unsigned, and then link “Agreement 123 Copy” in the message, and write your check-in information under the “Agreement 123 Copy” completion message. (Refer here for more assistance setting up your Agreements.) This way, only guests arriving who have not yet signed “Agreement 123” will receive the check-in message after 3 pm; however, it still is dependent on if they sign the “Agreement 123 Copy.”
        • If Event Triggers Are Available: Have an Event Trigger set to run after your message’s Send At time that will send the check-in message to guests.
          • Create an Event Trigger based on when an Agreement is signed, for guests arriving today only, set the run time after your scheduled message checks for eligibility to 11:59 pm, and copy your check-in message. With this, when the guest signs “Agreement 123” after 3 pm, they will immediately receive their check-in information. (This is beneficial if you don’t want to have multiple Agreement copies.)
          • Make sure to set your run time to begin after the scheduled message
            Make sure to set your run time to begin after the scheduled message Send At time, or else guests might get sent the check-in message twice.
            Make sure to set your run time to begin after the scheduled message
            Make sure to set your run time to begin after the scheduled message Send At time, or else guests might get sent the check-in message twice.
  1. The guest has multiple reservations arriving on the same day but only received a scheduled message for one.
      • Akia automatically de-dupes scheduled messages sent at a set time (this does not include Reservation Trigger messages) to ensure guests don’t receive the same message multiple times for their reservations. However, if you’re sending reservation-specific door codes or Booklets, this wouldn’t be ideal.
      • Solution: Uncheck Only execute the action once if the guest has multiple eligible reservations on the day to ensure a scheduled message is sent for each reservation.
      By default, the deduplication option is checked, and unchecking it will allow the scheduled message to send multiple times for multiple reservations.
      By default, the deduplication option is checked, and unchecking it will allow the scheduled message to send multiple times for multiple reservations.

I’m Unable to Add Another Scheduled Message

Each scheduled message uses one of your automations; so if you have used up all of your automations, you will be unable to add an additional scheduled message without either 1. Deleting a scheduled action under the Journey or Triggers tab, or 2. Reaching out to our team to get pricing for an additional automation.

Your property’s automation allotment is shown to the right of
Your property’s automation allotment is shown to the right of Automation, if all of the automations are being used, the + Add Touchpoint button will be greyed out.

My Scheduled Message Isn’t Saving

We limit scheduled messages to 2 message segments (roughly 320 characters) to best ensure the message gets delivered to guests. If you are unable to save your scheduled message because it is too long, please try and reduce your verbiage to under 320 characters. You can also see how close you are to the limit in the bottom right corner with the Content Length percentage.

You will be unable to save your message until you fit it within the content length.
You will be unable to save your message until you fit it within the content length.
Akia Tip: If you notice that you went past the content limit and were able to reduce the verbiage but the Ok button is still greyed out, click out of the message box to “soft refresh” the page and the Ok button should now be able to be selected.

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